Thursday, September 29, 2005

Back to America

Well I have just moved back to America. And I am very disappointed! I have been overseas for almost three years and have missed a lot of what is happening in the news. Now I move back expecting to hear about all the good stuff America is doing and what the Americans are doing. But no all I hear about is how people are blaming everyone else for NATURAL DISASTERS. I am sorry but no one is to blame except everyone!! What we are not realizing is that this is all happening because of the way we are treating our Mother Earth. And I am not surprised. What I am surprised about is how people are reacting to what is happening. Very "Un-American" of us. Wake up America and quit blaming other people and learn of to take the blame.
I love this country and am very happy to be home. Please realize that we have to take care of our selves no matter who or what we are. In the end we are all AMERICAN!!!